He salido científico-humanista-ateo

You fit in with:

Your ideals mostly resemble those of an Atheist. You have very little faith and you are very focused on intellectual endeavors. You value objective proof over intuition or subjective thoughts. You enjoy talking about ideas and tend to have a lot of in depth conversations with people.

80% scientific.
60% reason-oriented.

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Vía Pjorge.

27 respuestas a «He salido científico-humanista-ateo»

  1. Pues a mi me sale también ateo. En fin. Creo que los de ciencias nos declinamos más por lo que experimentamos. Como dice el refran: «La experiencia es un grado». Pero para gustos colores.
    Por cierto Kirai, tu blog es espectacular. No dejes de Postear!!!

  2. You fit in with:

    Your ideals mostly resemble that of a Humanist. Although you do not have a lot of faith, you are devoted to making this world better, in the short time that you have to live. Humanists do not generally believe in an afterlife, and therefore, are committed to making the world a better place for themselves and future generations.

    20% scientific.
    80% reason-oriented.

    Está curioso el test 😉

  3. Taoism.
    Your ideals mostly resemble those of the Taoist faith. Spirituality is the most important thing in your life. You strive to live by all of your ideals, and live a very intellectually focused life.

  4. Your ideals mostly resemble those of an Atheist. You have very little faith and you are very focused on intellectual endeavors. You value objective proof over intuition or subjective thoughts. You enjoy talking about ideas and tend to have a lot of in depth conversations with people.

    40% scientific.
    80% reason-oriented.

  5. You fit in with:

    Your ideals mostly resemble those of an Atheist. You have very little faith and you are very focused on intellectual endeavors. You value objective proof over intuition or subjective thoughts. You enjoy talking about ideas and tend to have a lot of in depth conversations with people.

    70% scientific.
    80% reason-oriented.

  6. You fit in with:

    Your ideals mostly resemble that of a Humanist. Although you do not have a lot of faith, you are devoted to making this world better, in the short time that you have to live. Humanists do not generally believe in an afterlife, and therefore, are committed to making the world a better place for themselves and future generations.

    20% scientific.
    80% reason-oriented.

    Hehehehe justo lo que pensaba 😉

  7. Llego un poco tarde a comentar. Quería contestarte a una pregunta que lanzaste en el post » Mileuristas y los Ingenieros»

    Los telecos ahora tenemos una legislación que nos protege, aunque sólo en parte. Una parte muy pequeña, de hecho. Es en el ámbito de las ICT (Infraestructura Común de Telecomunicaciones). Se trata de proyectos que deben ser visados en el Colegio de Ingenieros. Por suerte es competencia nuestra (después de algunos altercados legales).

    Creo que este es el único aspecto en el que la ley nos protege. En el resto de ámbitos, estamos igual que los informáticos.

    Bueno, sin más me despido, hasta otra!

  8. Your ideals mostly resemble those of an Atheist. You have very little faith and you are very focused on intellectual endeavors. You value objective proof over intuition or subjective thoughts. You enjoy talking about ideas and tend to have a lot of in depth conversations with people.

    40% scientific.
    60% reason-oriented.

    Sipes.. muchos razonadores por aqui.. sera que los religiosos estaran en la iglesia rezando mientras que nosotros navegando x internet…(9_9)?….

  9. Your ideals mostly resemble that of a Humanist. Although you do not have a lot of faith, you are devoted to making this world better, in the short time that you have to live. Humanists do not generally believe in an afterlife, and therefore, are committed to making the world a better place for themselves and future generations.

    0% scientific.
    80% reason-oriented.

    Aunque debo confezar que en algunas preguntas me daba igual las dos respuestas.

  10. You fit in with:

    Your ideals are mostly spiritual, but in an individualistic way. While spirituality is very important in your life, organized religion itself may not be for you. It is best for you to seek these things on your own terms.

    40% spiritual.
    60% reason-oriented.

    Mmm… vaya…

  11. Pingback: Ocadila.net
  12. Your ideals mostly resemble those of the Taoist faith. Spirituality is the most important thing in your life. You strive to live by all of your ideals, and live a very intellectually focused life.

    20% spiritual.
    0% reason-oriented.
    0%+20%… XD
    q soy… de donde vengo y adonde voy ^^

  13. Your ideals are mostly spiritual, but in an individualistic way. While spirituality is very important in your life, organized religion itself may not be for you. It is best for you to seek these things on your own terms.

    60% spiritual. 80% reason-oriented ^_-

  14. Que idiotez. Tomarían el test en 1879 y creerían que «todo está inventado». La ciencia no es más que otra religión, para publicar un paper hay una verdadera mafia, con intereses económicos y todo. Hasta el Nobel está politizado.

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